Driving Innovation - Brochure (532 KB) Two page brochure highlighting key points of the Driving Innovation strategic plan.
2022 Driving Innovation Progress Report (285 KB) - Pace has produced the first annual report summarizing the many projects completed or advancing throughout 2022, and demonstrating how Pace is successfully realizing the initiatives called for in the strategic vision plan.
Executive Summary (3.5 MB) – This is a condensed overview of the plan, which lists goals and objectives, and provides a brief description of the 20 plan initiatives. You may use this as a reference tool for looking up topics worth taking a deeper dive in the Detailed Plan (see below).
Detailed Plan (30.7 MB) – This is the full and complete version of Driving Innovation, which includes comprehensive descriptions with examples and illustrations of the 20 plan initiatives. Also included is information on the planning context and process guiding the continual development of this effort, as well as next steps for implementing the plan.
Individual Initiatives – You may also access separate files for each of the 20 initiatives described in the Detailed Plan by clicking on the following links:
Agency Priority Initiatives
A-1 Electric Bus & Fleet Transition Planning
A-2 Capital Improvement Projects
A-3 Rapid Transit Program
A-4 Service Standards Framework
A-5 Network Revitalization & Service Restructuring
Programs, Policies & Frameworks
P-1 Mobility Agency Transition
P-2 Strategic Administrative Functions
P-3 Transit-Supportive Development Engagement
P-4 Transit Fare Equity Programs
P-5 Funding & Finance
Service & Infrastructure
S-1 Tactical Transit Pilots
S-2 Coverage Service Transformation
S-3 Paratransit Upgrades
S-4 Dial-a-Ride Service Consistency
S-5 Centralized Operations Control Facility
Technology & Insight
T-1 Current Technology Programs
T-2 Customer Focused Engagement
T-3 Integrated Transit Platform
T-4 Open Source Multi-Modal Trip Planner
T-5 Connected and Autonomous Transit Pilots