The Rosemont Entertainment Circulator is a safe, convenient, and reliable way to get to Chicago Dog games at Impact Field in Rosemont. On home game days only, the Rosemont Entertainment Circulator adds an Impact Field stop to its service starting one hour before game time and return trips start 2 hours after game time.
Chicago Dogs - Impact Field - Rosemont Entertainment Circulator

Free (via the Rosemont Circulator). A parking fee is charged at the Rosemont Transit Center if applicable.
Service Hours:
On game days, the Rosemont Circulator stops at Impact Field. Buses will continue to serve regular stops along the way and will arrive at CTA's Rosemont Station roughly every 20 minutes. Service to Impact Field will stop once the game begins, and return trips will begin two hours later and end two hours after that. Buses will head to the game after leaving Fashion Outlet stop.

Experience the excitement of home games without the hassle! Skip the traffic and parking hassles by taking Pace's Rosemont Circulator to Impact Field.