Staying informed about service changes, programs, meetings and public hearings is important. Pace has different ways to stay up-to-date. One great news source is our pre-recorded phone line, updated often, to announce important updates and information. Find many other ways to stay informed below.
Information Platforms
Pace riders have many options for staying informed

Pace's News Phone Line
The Pace news line is particularly helpful to those without regular access to a computer or who have visual impairments that make it difficult to read notices posted on-board vehicles.
It's available 24 hours a day at (847) 228-2322. A voice recording covers updates to fixed route service, ADA Paratransit, the RideShare and vanpool programs, and other agency information.
Ways to Stay Informed:
- Call the news line: (847) 228-2322.
- Call the Express Service to Popular Destinations (ESPD) line: (847) 228-2416.
- Look on-board for passenger notices, car cards or the OnBoard Newsletter inside vehicles
- Listen on-board for audio announcements
- Sign up for email and text alerts by clicking on the 'Sign up now' button on the bottom of any webpage. Click here for more information about the process.
- "Like" Pace Suburban Bus on Facebook
- Follow @pacesuburbanbus on Twitter
- Subscribe to the Pace Suburban Bus YouTube channel