Route 308 Detour Alert Update
Effective Monday, March 24, 2025
Due to continued construction at Hines Hospital, Route 308 will be unable to operate on Airmail Road between 5th Avenue and Tripp Avenue. As a result, Route 308 will operate on the following updated detour:
Route 308 Westbound Detour
2nd Ave. → 17th St. → 1st Ave. → Roosevelt Rd. → 5th Ave./Tripp Ave. → 9th Ave. →8th Ave. → Airmail Rd. → Tripp Ave. → End trip at Tripp Ave./Building 228
Route 308 Eastbound Detour
Depart from Tripp Ave./Building 228 → Tripp Ave. → Resume regular routing
During this detour, buses will not operate on 17th Street west of 2nd Avenue, on 5th Avenue, or on Airmail Road between 5th Avenue and Tripp Avenue. However, all B-Trips will be served.
On the temporary segment of the route, bus stop signs will not be present. Riders can get on or off the bus at any safe intersection along that segment.
Regular service will resume when construction is complete, which is expected to be Friday, July 18, 2025.