David B. Guerin
Director Guerin has served as Village President of River Grove since 2017, where he grew up with his parents, Bruce and Diane, and two sisters, Jennifer and Amy.
Guerin has served as a trustee on the River Grove Library Board, as the Resident Representative on the Joint Review Board of the Village of River Grove Southwest TIF District, and as a member and Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals. As Chair of the Zoning Board of Appeals, he also served on the Finance and Economic Development Committee of the Village. Guerin was named 2018 Man of the Year by the Flowers Italy organization and 2018 Mayor of the Year by the Illinois State Crime Commission. He has been a member of the River Grove Lions Club since 1999 and served as president for 2 years. He has been voted Lion of the Year twice and has received the President's Award and Governor's Award for Excellence. Guerin also has been a member of The Shriners and Scottish Rite since 2012 as well as a member of the River Park Moose Lodge.
He attended River Grove School, East Leyden, and Triton College where he studied hospitality services and business management. He has been licensed by the State of Illinois Department of Public Health as a Certified Food Service Sanitation Manager for over 18 years. As a youth, he participated in Scouts, Little League, Leyden Bears, and other recreation programs. He also served as an altar boy at St. Cyprian Parish. During his schooling years, he worked at the Cock Robin Ice Cream in River Grove and deejayed for various events at the River Grove Moose Lodge. At the age of 20, Dave opened his first business--Cock Robin Ice Cream--in Melrose Park. With his partners, he purchased Buddy's Sports Bar and Pizzeria in Franklin Park, and then The Underpass on Grand Avenue, which won "Best Cheese Fries" by Brittney Payton of Chicago's Best.
He currently resides in River Grove with his wife Lauren, a registered nurse, his stepdaughter, Daniella, and daughter, Audrey.
On Pace's Board of Directors, he represents North Central Cook County and serves on the Planning and Infrastructure Committee. He has served on the Pace Board since 2018.