Jeffery D. Schielke
Director Schielke has served as Mayor of Batavia since 1981. Director Schielke served on the appointed "Lipinski Commission" representing the Chicagoland Council of Mayors, which created the legislation that combined the Chicago Area Transportation Study (CATS) and the Northeastern Illinois Planning Council (NIPC) into one regional agency overseeing transportation and land planning. He is also a former Chairman of the then-CATS Council of Mayors and has served for many years as the current Chairman of the Chicago Metropolitan Agency (CMAP) Council of Mayors. A highlight of his public service career was his selection to join then-Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley at a televised press conference where the federal submittal of plans to replace the International Terminal at O'Hare Airport with new facilities and runway was announced. Director Schielke also served as chairman of the Kane/Kendall County Fox River Bridge Citing Commission, overseeing the selection of six potential new bridge locations along the Fox. In 2007-2008, Schielke served as Chairman of the Metropolitan Mayor’s Caucus, an organization of which he is a founding member and continues to serve as an active participant of the Caucus’s Executive Board.
Schielke worked for several years as a journalist covering state and local government and has co-authored books on local history and international fire service. He is a licensed realtor in the state of Illinois. In 2005 Schielke was named “Citizen of the Year” by the community, the first time the award had been given to a person while holding public office.
On Pace's Board of Directors, he represents Kane County. He has served on the Pace Board since 2002.