Linda Soto
Director Soto is a former three-term Mayor of Hainesville. She was elected Hainesville Village Trustee in April 1995 and then Mayor in 1997. She was elected Mayor again in 2009 and re-elected in 2013.
Linda’s service on various committees and boards includes acting as the Executive Director of the Lake County Transportation Alliance (LCTA), a public-private advocacy group created to raise awareness and build consensus on development and implementation of short and long-term multi-modal transportation goals and objectives in Lake County; the Joint Emergency Telephone Service Board (JETSB 911); the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County (SWALCO), serving on both the Executive and Legislative Committees; the Northwest Sewer Advisory Board; the Strategic Planning Committee for Grayslake Community High School District 127; and the Route 120 Corridor Planning Council.
As a parent of an adult son with autism, Director Soto is a devoted advocate for individuals with special needs. She is an Autism Parent Coach and author and instructor of the Adult Special Needs Power of Art Program. She has served as an instructor and aide on various Adult Special Needs programs and is PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) certified.
Linda has a business degree and over 25 years’ experience in customer service and warehouse management.
On Pace's Board of Directors, she represents Lake County. She has served on the Pace Board since 2015. Linda has served on the Pace Audit Committee and now serves on the Planning & Infrastructure Committee.