STEP 1: Get Together
How to Join an Existing Pace Vanpool
To find vanpools near me, create an account at The "Create Account" navigation button is located on the toolbar and in the main section of the home page. While registering decide on your commuter role. Are you interested in being just a rider or a rider who helps with backup driving? Then, search for possible groups traveling along your route to work. When you find a vanpool group, submit an online request to join through the platform. Pace will contact you to share more about the commute, vanpool payment, and how things work. You can set up 3 FREE rides before joining a vanpool or begin riding right away. If you spot a vanpool on the road that you want to join, email us.
How to Form a New Pace Vanpool
The first step is to form a group of 4 or more commuters. You may know interested coworkers residing near you or have an existing carpool. Commuters who travel long distances may express interest quickly since the benefits can be substantial. If you need assistance with finding others, consider registering to search for matches. You can also distribute our "Join my Group" flyer, poster, or table tent and/or approach your company’s Human Resource Department, Transportation Coordinator or Property Manager for assistance with finding other commuters at your company (and even nearby employers). When organizing a Pace vanpool, consider these group formation tips. When approaching your employer, share our employer brochure to help explain things more.