As part of Pace's continual effort to provide affordable public transportation, Pace vanpool fares are designed around your commute and participation offers big savings to you. There are even a few ways to bring our low fares down even lower. And for commuters traveling less than 3 days per week, Pace is excited to introduce our reduced part-time fares.
Vanpool Costs Are Affordable

Traditional and Feeder Vanpool Pricing
Monthly fares cover operating costs including using a Pace van, fuel, maintenance, insurance, tolls, roadside assistance, a guaranteed ride home and van washes. Any parking fees are handled with the parking management and not included in the Pace Vanpool Incentive Program.
Primary drivers do not pay a monthly fare. There are no vanpool costs for primary drivers.
Each rider pays a low monthly fare based on distance, group size and the frequency of participation as either a full-time or part-time rider. Full-time rider fares are based on a 21 work/commute days per month (approximately 4-5 commute days per week). Part-time fares are for riding 3 days or less per week and are half (50% off) the full-time fares.
Riders can increase their savings by:
- Inviting more commuters to join the group – As the group size increases, the monthly fares decrease.
- Being a backup driver – A rider who becomes a backup driver receives a monthly fare discount based on their full-time ($25 savings) or part-time ($15 credit) participation status.
- Applying a tax-free commuter benefit or subsidy – Commuter benefits are arranged by an employer and allow their employees to use pre-tax dollars or a subsidy or both to cover for vanpool costs. Check with your employer about availability.
Estimate Your Vanpool Fare
Joining a Pace Vanpool will save you money compared to driving alone. The key questions are how much can you save and what the costs will be.
Estimate your vanpool fare with our easy-to-use calculator. Remember, the number of riders does not count the driver and participation for the Primary Driver is ALWAYS FREE 😊. Note that many groups share and coordinate parking costs together because that they are not included in the Pace Vanpool Program. All calculations provided below are estimates and do not include employer subsides or transit benefits. Vanpools utilizing the Indiana East-West Toll Road or the Chicago Skyway will be assessed a surcharge of $6 per passenger.
Traditional Vanpool Fare Calculator
2025 Traditional Monthly Vanpool Passenger Fares
Full-Time Fares (participation for 4 or more days per week)
Daily Round Trip Van Miles | 3-4 Pass* | 5 Pass* | 6 Pass* | 7-8 Pass* | 9-10 Pass* | 11-12 Pass* | 13-14 Pass* |
1-20 Miles | $112 | $99 | $92 | $85 | $73 | $73 | $73 |
21-30 Miles | $117 | $103 | $96 | $89 | $75 | $73 | $73 |
31-40 Miles | $122 | $109 | $102 | $95 | $78 | $73 | $73 |
41-50 Miles | $128 | $114 | $107 | $99 | $81 | $73 | $73 |
51-60 Miles | $133 | $119 | $111 | $103 | $86 | $75 | $73 |
61-70 Miles | $138 | $124 | $116 | $107 | $89 | $77 | $73 |
71-80 Miles | $142 | $130 | $121 | $112 | $92 | $79 | $73 |
81-90 Miles | $146 | $134 | $125 | $116 | $97 | $81 | $73 |
91-100 Miles | $150 | $138 | $129 | $119 | $100 | $85 | $75 |
101-110 Miles | $153 | $141 | $132 | $123 | $103 | $87 | $77 |
111-120 Miles | $160 | $145 | $136 | $127 | $107 | $89 | $79 |
121-130 Miles | $163 | $149 | $140 | $130 | $112 | $91 | $81 |
131-140 Miles | $166 | $153 | $144 | $134 | $116 | $94 | $85 |
141-150 Miles | $171 | $157 | $148 | $138 | $119 | $97 | $87 |
151-160 Miles | $174 | $161 | $151 | $141 | $123 | $99 | $89 |
New! Part-Time Fares (participation for 3 days or less per week)
Daily Round Trip Van Miles | 3-4 Pass* | 5 Pass* | 6 Pass* | 7-8 Pass* | 9-10 Pass* | 11-12 Pass* | 13-14 Pass* |
1-20 Miles | $56 | $50 | $46 | $43 | $37 | $37 | $37 |
21-30 Miles | $59 | $52 | $48 | $45 | $38 | $37 | $37 |
31-40 Miles | $61 | $55 | $51 | $48 | $39 | $37 | $37 |
41-50 Miles | $64 | $57 | $54 | $50 | $41 | $37 | $37 |
51-60 Miles | $67 | $60 | $56 | $52 | $43 | $38 | $37 |
61-70 Miles | $69 | $62 | $58 | $54 | $45 | $39 | $37 |
71-80 Miles | $71 | $65 | $61 | $56 | $46 | $40 | $37 |
81-90 Miles | $73 | $67 | $63 | $58 | $49 | $41 | $37 |
91-100 Miles | $75 | $69 | $65 | $60 | $50 | $43 | $38 |
101-110 Miles | $77 | $71 | $66 | $62 | $52 | $44 | $39 |
111-120 Miles | $80 | $73 | $68 | $64 | $54 | $45 | $40 |
121-130 Miles | $82 | $75 | $70 | $65 | $56 | $46 | $41 |
131-140 Miles | $83 | $77 | $72 | $67 | $58 | $47 | $43 |
141-150 Miles | $86 | $79 | $74 | $69 | $60 | $49 | $44 |
151-160 Miles | $87 | $81 | $76 | $71 | $62 | $50 | $45 |
*The van driver is excluded from the passenger count.
Vanpools utilizing the Indiana East-West Toll Road or the Chicago Skyway will be assessed a surcharge of $6 per passenger. Those groups can turn in their I-PASS to avoid the individual surcharges, but they must handle payment of all tolls separately from the Pace Vanpool program.
2025 Feeder Monthly Vanpool Passenger Fares
Full-time Rider Participation | Part-time Rider Participation |
$58 per passenger (riding 4-5 days per week) | $29 per passenger (riding 3 days or less per week) |
Guaranteed Ride Home - All participants (drivers and riders) are eligible for reimbursement of up to $125/year for alternative transportation taken due to a personal emergency. This does not apply when you voluntarily work overtime. A personal emergency includes a serious problem, crisis, or illness impacting an eligible vanpool participant, family member or fellow resident in your household and no personal transportation is available. Another valid purpose is when the primary driver has an emergency taking the Pace van and there is no backup drivers who can cover.